2011年5月17日 星期二

溫蒂椒草(Cryptocoryne wendtii)

學名:Cryptocoryne wendtii
俗名:溫蒂椒草, 紅椒(Cryptocoryne wendtii ''Red'), 棕溫蒂椒草 (Cryptocoryne wendtii 'brown')
難易度:★☆☆☆☆ 容易
照度需求:低, 中 (1000 1500 Lux)
植物科別:天南星科 (Araceae)
植物種類:椒草 (Cryptocoryne)
生長型態:有莖類 (Stem) 根莖,根狀莖 (Rhizome)
水的硬度(GH):Medium (GH = 2-15 dH)
水的酸鹼值(pH):酸 鹼 (6.0-8.0)
抗寒性:中等 (Moderate)
外觀大小:Height: ?-?cm (?-?in)
(Can Be Grown Emersed):

Scientific Name:Cryptocoryne wendtii
Common Name:
Cryptocoryne wendtii
Difficulty:★☆☆☆☆ Easy
CO2 Requirements:Low
Lighting Requirements:Low, Medium (1000 1500 Lux)

Plant Arrangement:
Foreground, Midground
Growth Rate:Medium
Origin:Southeast Asia, Sri Lanka
Plant Type:Rhizome

Water Hardness (GH):
Medium (GH = 2-15 dH)
Cold Resistance:Moderate
Size:Height: ?-?cm (?-?in)
Can Be Grown Emersed:Yes / No

Plant Type: Rosette
Water Hardness: Medium (GH = 9-13 dH)


Background History

Cryptocoryne wendtii ‘brown’ is one of the most popular of over 60 known varieties of Cryptocoryne species. Found in Sri Lanka, this brown variety of Cryptocoryne wendtii is grown naturally inside rivers and along the shores of water ways. It’s an undemanding plan, making it an ideal aquatic plant for the beginning hobbyist.
Hobbyists may refer to this plant as Crypt wendtii brown for short.

Growth Characteristics

Cryptocoryne wendtii ‘brown’ is an undemanding plant that can be sustained in wide ranges of lighting environments, water acidity, and nutrient fertilization. When first introduced into a new environment, like many other cryptocorynes species, Cryptocoryne wendtii ‘brown’ will melt/shed its leaves. This is a normal process, and new leaves will sprout from the root bundle.

This plant will reach a maximum height of 10-12 inches (12-15 cm) and span 4-12 inches (10-15 cm). The new emerging leaves will often develop from a bright green into a rich red-brown coloration. It has a slow growth rate under both high (slightly faster) and low light conditions. It is a heavy root feeder which will reach optimal growth if provided ample substrate fertilization.

Cryptocoryne wendtii ‘brown’ will reproduce by small runners/plantlets that emerged from the mother plant. These smaller plantlets can be replanted into different areas to thin out growth. Propagation is also through seed, but this is more difficult and requires emersed growth.

Most cryptocorynes will not produce a flower when grown submersed. But when allowed to grow emersed, Cryptocoryne wendtii ‘brown’ will produce a flower that has a white sepal and brown petals.

Aquascaping Application

Cryptocoryne wendtii ‘brown’ in its infancy is best placed in the midground areas of the aquarium with room to grow outwards. As an aquascape develops, this plant will magnificently fill the area through its mother plant, and smaller off shoot growth.

The undemanding growing conditions make Cryptocoryne wendtii ‘brown’ perfect for both high tech and low tech aquascapes.

Hardiness: Very Easy
Light Needs: Low
Plant Structure: Rosette
Family: Araceae
Genus: Cryptocoryne
Region: Cultivar
Location: Cultivar
Size: Height: 10-15cm (4-6 in)
Growth Rate: Slow
Can Be Grown Emersed: Yes

棕綠溫蒂椒草 (Cryptocoryne wendtii "brown")


葉片約長10-15cm,葉邊帶有波浪皺摺。有紅色系和綠色系, 為了減低葉片患"椒草病"的機會率,
要儘量避免出現水質, 水溫及光照的急遽變化; 在栽培上雖然係軟水/硬水兩相宜, 但實際經驗
上, 我覺得在偏硬水的環境, 尢其係用砂/沙式底床, 椒草類的植物生得較好, 病變較少。


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